Conversational AI from Lifelink Systems Showcases Ability to Expand Access to Targeted Genetic Testing in First-of-its-kind Remote Clinical Study
Digital assistants supported trial education, enrollment, consent, and site referral in recently completed BRCA cohort study.

Reimagining Patient Services with Conversational AI: Part 2 – Our Vision for Infinite Engagement
Part 2: So what does infinite engagement really mean? Let’s paint a vision of the future through the eyes of a patient managing a common condition like rheumatoid arthritis, requiring at-home self-injections.

12 Conversational Design Principles for Pharma Medication Journeys
Transforming patient engagement in the pharmaceutical space requires deep expertise, precision, and a patient-centric approach. Generic conversational AI simply won’t address the complexity of pharma workflows or the high stakes of medication journeys.

Reimagining Patient Services with Conversational AI: Beyond Call Centers and Towards Infinite Engagement
Patient services in pharma have long been limited by the inefficiencies of call centers and siloed workflows. Conversational AI is transforming this model by automating core agent tasks, while enabling infinite, scalable engagement

Large Language Model-Powered Experiences for Life Sciences
How Lifelink Systems uses large language models to break down complex brand and access content into digestible, patient- and HCP-friendly FAQs, while ensuring the content can be easily presented for MLR and PRC approval.

AI and Build vs. Buy: Seven Things to Consider When Developing the Strategic Path Forward
Brand risk, maintenance, data quality, security, vendor licensing, hidden costs, and compliance are important considerations when deciding which way to go.

Tapping Systems of Record: The Key to Turning Chatbots into Smart Digital Healthcare Assistants
Engagement needs to be integrated with other patient data systems to deliver true value.

Perspectives from a Clinician Turned Software Engineer: How AI Reduces Burnout, While Improving Patient Engagement
AI-powered virtual assistants can offload important but time-consuming tasks, and engage with patients in ways that exceed human capability, a win-win for PTs and patients.

The LLM Inflection Point Moment and the Implications for the Specialty Pharmaceutical Industry
Digital assistants use smart, compliant language to interact with patients and guide them along their journeys from prescription moment to program enrollment to first fill, and beyond.

Kindling the Innovation Bonfire: The Path to Unleashing the Power of Large Language Models in Healthcare
A case for starting small, and how to do it.

Next Generation Patient Experiences: Creating Trust at Scale with Conversational AI
Trust is critical in healthcare, and the role of conversational AI will be integral in building and maintaining it. Here's how.

Meeting Three Chatbots Before the Cable Guy: Lessons in Conversational Design
A perspective on what it takes to deliver fantastic digital customer engagement experiences, whether it's related to a new internet service, or getting a new knee.

ChatGPT Showcased the Potential of Conversational AI to the World. Healthcare May be the Biggest Beneficiary.
Is patient experience at a tipping point?

Building Conversational AI for Healthcare: Tips for Delivering High Patient Satisfaction in a Complex, Regulated Environment
Sonam Shah, Director of Product Management at Lifelink Systems, joins Digital Conversations for a look under the hood.

Conversational AI: Dial Tone Quality for the Digital Age
The dial tone was the foundation of conversational innovation in the analog era. Conversational AI will do the same for the wireless, digital age.

The Power and Potential of Conversational Analytics for Healthcare
As patients increasingly use conversational tools to navigate care, new opportunities are arising to assess engagement patterns and rapidly improve the experience.

Accelerating Speed to Therapy with Conversational AI
Featuring use cases around digital HCP enrollment, real-time identity verification, automated benefits verification, and high-scale reverification, this demo shows how conversational AI can significantly reduce friction and delay along the therapy access journey.

Steam Engines and Typewriters Have Something in Common with Email Marketing — They Were Vital, Then They Weren’t
RIP, email marketing. Digital conversations are now becoming the dominant form of mass communication.

The Path to Informed eConsent for Clinical Research with Conversational AI
Getting consent is a crucial aspect of study recruitment. Digital eConsent approaches have not solved the complexity. Conversational AI may be the answer.

Helping Cancer Patients with Drug Affordability Programs is a Massive Digital Engagement Opportunity
Can conversational digital assistants help patients lower the cost of expensive prescriptions? Yes they can.

Observational Studies and a Reimagined Approach to Engaging Participants and Collecting Real World Data
We talk with Rob Chipperfield about how the low friction nature of Conversational AI may prove to be the ideal approach to keeping communication channels going through these studies.

Digital Conversations Power the Ultimate Patient Experience
Healthcare can be complex, but patients don't need to know it. As with so many things, simpler is often better. That's the beauty of conversational technology.

A Conversation with Emily Gibb, Head of Patient Services and President of the Patient Access Foundation at GSK
Listen in as we discuss innovation and how modern, mobile technology is maturing and lowering barriers for patients.

Lifelink Systems Appoints Justin Mardjuki as Chief Operating Officer
Mardjuki will oversee the company’s commercial go-to-market operations, strategy, and execution during a phase of rapid growth with large enterprise healthcare customers.

Conversational AI Delivers Clinical Study Engagement
In a recent decentralized study, more than 5,000 participants interacted with conversational digital assistants to help with enrollment, site referral, lab tests, education, and PROs. Here's a high-level snapshot of the results.

Conversational AI from Lifelink Systems Showcases Ability to Expand Access to Targeted Genetic Testing in First-of-its-kind Remote Clinical Study
Digital assistants supported trial education, enrollment, consent, and site referral in recently completed BRCA cohort study.

The Dawn of the Language User Interface
Smartphone power is fully unleashed, and in a simpler, more conversational world, everyone wins.

Lifelink Systems Uses Conversational AI to Engage Patients
CEO Greg Johnsen talks about the next phase of patient engagement, one that's focused on ease, and grounded in conversations, chat, and the mobile phone.

Diabetes, the Cost of Insulin, and the Challenge of Engaging Over 100 Million Americans that are Dealing with the Disease
Insulin costs have the government's attention, but the scale of the diabetes problem also requires a different kind of digital engagement.

Transforming Patient Engagement with Lifelink Systems
CEO Greg Johnsen talks about how conversational AI will transform consumer engagement strategies, most profoundly within process-centric customer care industries like Healthcare.

Natural History Studies: Diamonds in the Rare Disease Rough
Natural history studies may be the future of rare disease research, but how will manufacturers keep participants engaged over these years-long studies?

The Time has Arrived to Deliver 6 Billion Digital Health Assistants and Level the Playing Field for All
Shuo Qiao, Co-founder and CTO of Moving Analytics joins us to discuss smartphones, AI, and better health outcomes at a lower cost.

The Emerging Prerequisite to Drug Affordability: Digital Patient Engagement
Drug affordability is a huge — and growing — problem. Here's how just-in-time, low friction conversations via mobile messaging can help.

The Art and Science of Delivering Conversational Patient Engagement
Anil Nair, CTO at Lifelink Systems, shares his perspective on Conversational AI and the digital healthcare experience.

Ten Million Missed Cancer Screenings: How Conversational Engagement Helps Patients Get Back on Track
Proactive conversations delivered to a patient’s mobile device by a personalized digital assistant improve engagement, loyalty, and health.

In This World, Nothing Can Be Said to Be Certain Except Death, Taxes, and a Sound Digital Healthcare Compliance Strategy
Justin Wiley, Director of Information Security and Compliance at Lifelink Systems, joins us to discuss the current state of compliance in healthcare IT.

When It Comes to Medicine – The Smartest Person in the Room Is the Patient!
Conversational AI health technology pioneer Greg Johnsen talks patient experience with Medika Life.

Compassion Fatigue Isn’t Just a Patient Experience Problem, It’s an Ongoing Safety Issue
The psychological “cost of caring” is soaring. Here’s how automated, patient-facing conversational engagement can reduce compassion fatigue and burnout.

Lifelink Systems Appoints Anil Nair as Chief Technology Officer
Silicon Valley veteran to lead innovation at Conversational AI company.

The Conversational AI Platform Requirements for Delivering Exceptional, Personalized Patient Experiences
A discussion with Alex Thorpe, Director of Product at Lifelink Systems, about integration, configuration, analytics, and other conversational AI platform fundamentals.

Is a Healthcare App Great If Nobody Uses It? Maybe It’s Time for Plan B
Mobile technology is moving beyond “the app” and onto the next phase of innovation. Language is a key innovation, the next generation user interface that will redefine interactions between humans and machines.

Measure What Matters: Managing Clinical Study Operations in Real Time
With clinical research staff over-extended and facing burnout, manufacturers need to up their engagement game. Here's what that can look like.

One Nurse’s Perspective on the Patient Experience, a Shrinking Workforce, and Technology
Logan Scarbeary joins us to share his experience and perspectives on the nursing industry, and how conversational technology can help.

Is It Time to Ditch Mobile Apps and Embrace the Smartphone as the Solution for Patient Engagement?
Is the future of digital patient engagement really still about more and better mobile apps? Maybe not.

For Digital Health + Services
Augment and upgrade patient communication channels with automated conversational engagment.

Conversational AI has Arrived: Why the Timing Couldn’t be Better
Greg Kefer, CMO at Lifelink Systems, discusses the future of conversational AI and the effect it can have on healthcare.

Interoperability and the Fast Path to Delivering Smart, Virtual Patient Experiences
Mass smartphone adoption paired with ongoing advances in interoperability represent a huge opportunity for healthcare.

Using Conversational Digital Assistants to Atuomate Enrollment and Retention for a Decentralized Study
This case study details how advanced mobile technology supports an observational study to build voice and symptom algorithms.

For Patients, Administrative Hassles Can Be Worse than Getting Sick, and That’s Got to Change
Patients are deferring healthcare because of the administrative hassle. This episode digs into the issue, and how technology can help.

Copay Accumulators are Spurring Drug Manufacturers Into Direct Patient Engagement
Providing patients with clear, actionable, and timely information around prescriptions and copays will help manufacturers manage and get ahead in this new landscape.

In an Era of Tight Labor Capacity and High Demand, Digital Workers are the Path Forward
Justin Mardjuki discusses how conversational tools automate scripted, repetitive, and high-volume work, while improving patient outcomes.

Will 2022 Be the Year Healthcare Delivers on the Promise of Modern, Consumer-Grade Patient Technology?
A contrarian, Grinchly perspective on what's ahead this year in healthcare innovation.

Genentech’s Rapid Innovation Strategy to Deliver Exceptional Clinical Trial Experiences
Guest Nik Kolatkar discusses how Genentech uses simple, conversational, interactive messaging on smartphones to engage trial participants.

Healthcare Labor Shortages and the Potential of the Digital Workforce
A perfect storm is brewing, but the path forward is something the healthcare industry has always needed to get behind, pandemic or not. It’s precisely what the doctor ordered.

Patient Engagement through Mobile Apps Remains Low, According to Recent Survey
Most consumers say they don’t use mobile apps from their healthcare providers, adding to the challenges created by the recent healthcare provider worker shortage.

A Post-COVID Prescription for Healthcare Systems: One That’s Predicated on Massive Digital Engagement Scale that Builds Patient Trust and Delivers Outcomes
Jay Roszhart, President of Memorial Health Ambulatory Group, joins us again to discuss healthcare's evolving landscape and his vision of its future.

Next Generation Patient Experiences for Prescription Medications
As the healthcare industry navigates worker shortages and the evolving retail landscape, the opportunity to improve prescription support with advanced digital engagement has arrived.

Patients Don’t Realize That Conversational AI Is Transforming Healthcare—And That’s Why It’s Working
Smart, automated digital assistants that interact using language can provide unlimited conversational scale, a priority as the industry recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic and navigates a severe labor shortage.

Pharmaceutical Companies Can Lead the Healthcare Industry into the Age of Digital Consumer Engagement. Friction is the Enemy and the Opportunity.
Technology that's easy for patients to use, and is fast to deploy, can fuel the next phase of digital transformation.

BRCA Genetic Testing Study: The First Decentralized Clinical Trial Powered by Conversational AI
Lifelink Systems presentation detailing clinical trial capabilities around eConsent, Lab Results, and PROs, and work with the BRCA Founder Outreach Registry.

Roche’s Genentech will Communicate with Patients, Trial Participants Using Lifelink Systems’ Chatbot
Having a conversational approach via a device is a "key next generation consumer interface," said Nikheel Kolatkar, M.D., vice president of scientific operations at Genentech.

Lifelink Systems and Genentech to Collaborate on Advanced Conversational Patient Experience Platform
Mobile digital navigators to automate patient interactions in clinical trials, medication information, and inclusive research initiatives.

Clinical Trial Diversity Deep Dive: Asian-American Awareness, Participation, and Engagement Strategies
Liver cancer is prevalent within the Asian American community. Can conversational AI help?

Physician Perspectives: COVID-19 Has Pushed Clinical Teams to the Breaking Point, Can Innovation Help?
Ara Feinstein, a trauma surgeon and physician executive at Banner Health, discusses the current state of healthcare, COVID-19, and the big innovation opportunities that can make a difference.

In Light of the Pandemic, Here Are the 5 Things We Need To Do To Improve the US Healthcare System
A wide-ranging interview with Lifelink Systems CMO Greg Kefer, touching on opportunites around virtualization, value, equity, staffing, and payment in healthcare.

The Digital Workforce: The Next Phase in the Virtual Healthcare Innovation Race
As virtual care takes hold, a new “third gear” is beginning to emerge that takes on the role as a digital force.

Referral Management
Improve referral network integrity, outcomes, and satisfaction with Lifelink Systems personalized navigators.

A Virtual Waiting Room Could be Vital for Chiropractic in a COVID World
A closer look at how a virtual waiting room could impact your day-to-day office operations, in terms of patient interactions, COVID safety protocols, and patient satisfaction.

The Role of Integration and Logic in Scaling Delightful Digital Patient Experiences
Robust integration logic is vital in delivering wide-scale patient engagement, high user satisfaction, and complex workflow orchestration.

Engaging the Masses: If Healthcare Incumbents Can’t Do It, Apple Will
The list of big, successful consumer companies that have put healthcare on their strategic priority list is long and impressive. Incumbent healthcare organizations will need to master engagement scale to keep their edge.

Hospitals Can Teach Life Science Companies a Thing or Two About Patient Engagement
The biopharmaceutical industry is learning how to leverage conversational chatbots to scale patient engagement and shorten trial timelines.

More than a COVID Chatbot: Memorial Health System Sees More Uses Post Pandemic
Jay Roszhart, President of MHS Ambulatory Group, and Greg Johnsen, CEO of Lifelink Systems, discuss their collaboration in leveraging conversational technology to improve patient experience and reduce staff burden.

Trial Recruitment and Retention
Improve study recruitment, retention, and participant satisfaction with personalized digital navigators.

Therapy Enrollment and Access Demo
Support and access teams can help patients navigate critical therapy moments with conversational AI from Lifelink Systems. This demo shows how.

How Genentech is Innovating to Improve Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Trials
Nik Kolatkar, VP of Evidence Generation, US Medical Affairs at Genentech, joined Greg Kefer for a discussion about clinical trial innovation and ways to address some of the challenges around underrepresented communities.

A Conversation with Jeff Johnson, VP Innovation and Digital Business at Banner Health
Despite the challenges, COVID-19 has also created opportunities to address aspects of the patient experience that needed to change anyway.

Meet the Start-Up: Lifelink Systems
Med-Tech Innovation News spoke with Lifelink Systems CMO Greg Kefer about and the company and its patient experience technology.

Digital Assistant Powered by Lifelink Systems Deployed, Providing On-Demand Breast Cancer Education for Patients
Conversational chatbot provides doctor-approved information to breast cancer patients through smart, interactive messaging.

Therapy Enrollment and Adherence
Improve onboarding, adherence, and satisfaction with proactive, personalized digital navigators.

Smart Solutions: New Contact Tracing Technology Can Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19
"If you consider the magnitude of the contact tracing challenge, conversational AI is the only way to reach out and engage tens of millions of potential exposure moments."

Robotic Process Automation: What Happens When Back Office and Wide-Scale Patient Engagement Automation Converge?
Patient engagement can increase, while back office workloads can be reduced even further. It’s promising.

5 Myths About "Difficult to Reach" Patient Populations, Debunked.
Many long-held assumptions about reaching elderly and underserved demographics have been debunked, which is good news for the healthcare industry.

A.I. Chatbots for Healthcare
Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, host Greg Johnsen, CEO of Lifelink Systems, in a conversation about A.I. chatbots for healthcare.

80% of Patients Surveyed Like the Idea of Virtual Waiting Rooms. The Healthcare Consumer Experience Starts Here.
Waiting rooms and visions of consumerism are a disconnect in healthcare. The future is virtual.

Virtual Waiting Rooms Key for Post-COVID Patient Experience Efforts
"Data—and anecdata—suggest that virtual waiting rooms won’t just be a forlorn COVID-19 relic; these tools will be key to patient experience efforts."

End of Medical Office Waiting Rooms? New Survey Finds Consumers Overwhelmingly Prefer Preparing for Appointments on their Mobile Phones
A significant preference for virtual waiting room technology for COVID-19 vaccination appointments was also identified.

Clinical Trials Have Struggled with Diversity Issues for Decades. It’s Time to Fix That.
Mobile-based conversational AI can address critical issues around trust, education, time and resource constraints, and awareness. Here’s how.

Lifelink Systems Completes $9.75 Million Series A Funding Round to Accelerate Growth of its Conversational AI Technology for Healthcare Enterprises
Capital will fuel innovation and expand business reach across large healthcare provider systems and life sciences companies.

The End of the Waiting Room?
There's a strong and growing preference for the virtual waiting room. Here are highlights from a recent survey.

Best of Both Worlds: When Patients and Internal Teams Successfully Adopt New Technology and Why it Matters in Healthcare
By choosing the right technology, healthcare organizations can minimize change management challenges, while streamlining workflows and optimizing human teams.

Conversational AI: A Prescription for Mass Scale COVID-19 Vaccinations
Automating and scaling vaccine administration is key for herd immunity. Here's how conversational AI can help.

Choosing Natural Language Processing Applications for Your Business
"By utilizing innovative chatbot solutions that can harness the combined power of NLP and workflow automation, this will ultimately be greater for patients, clinical accuracy, and the bottom line."

A Conversation with Andrew Freed, Master Inventor at IBM and Author of “Creating Virtual Assistants”
In this episode, we discuss the concepts involved in building effective conversational AI, and how those concepts apply to healthcare.

Biopharma is Embracing Digital Patient Engagement. They Can Learn a Lot from Hospitals.
These industries share the challenge of engaging patients at scale, and increasingly, they're turning to the same solution: technology that's mobile, conversational, and simple.

Patient Engagement Volume Increases 450%, Lifelink Systems Technology Now Automating 850,000 Conversations Per Month
A growing customer base, expanded capabilities, and a broader industry shift to virtual care driven by COVID-19 drove the increase in engagement.

How to Think About Healthcare Chatbots
John Lynn interviews Greg Johnsen, CEO of Lifelink Systems, on current and future uses for chatbots in healthcare.

“We Could Completely Flip this Around”: A Conversational Designer Talks About Improving the COVID Vaccine Process
Conversational technology is needed to help administer the 450 million vaccinations required to achieve herd immunity.

Successful COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout Calls for Conversational AI
Digital assistants can automate and scale the complex workflows needed to achieve herd immunity.

Patient Engagement Tools Can Speed, Streamline COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Healthcare has a customer service problem — and that "could be the difference between achieving herd immunity in 2021, or not."

Memorial Health Uses Chatbots to Boost Patient Experience, Streamline Workflows
The health system is using AI to provide COVID-19 risk assessments, virtualize waiting rooms for physician appointments, and automate the PCP-to-specialist referral process.

Harlow on Healthcare: Greg Johnsen, CEO of Lifelink Systems by HealthcareNOW Radio and Podcast Network
A discussion on chatbots and innovation around patient interactions to improve patient engagement, close care gaps, and improve outcomes.

A Conversation with Niko Skievaski: Extending Systems of Record to Deliver Smart, Personalized Patient Experiences
Redox President and Co-founder talks with us about how new healthcare digital ecosystems are emerging and driving adoption and loyalty.

A Conversation with Ron Lacy: How Digital Assistants Improve Patient Engagement in the Specialty Pharmaceutical Services Industry
The VP of Products and Innovation at UBC shares insights on using technology to increase patient engagement and improve care outcomes.

A Once-A-Generation Chance To Innovate In Customer Experience (CX) And Improve Customer Service Training
"Memorial Health System has just gone operational with “virtual waiting room” technology from Lifelink Systems. Wow! It’s too bad that it took COVID to make changes like this happen, but it’s impressive nonetheless."

Loyal Customers are the Gold Standard in Business. Healthcare Needs to Figure That Out.
Technology is a big part of the brand value proposition for the 21st century consumer and that’s where the healthcare industry must go.

Baptist Health Uses Digital Technology for Improved Patient Follow-Through
Financial wellbeing depends on earning a patient's loyalty for life, says VP of business innovation and development.

Baptist Health Implements First-of-its-Kind ED to PCP Referral Automation
The LifeLink chatbots engage every patient when they are discharged from the ED...and help navigate them into scheduled appointments within the Baptist Health network.

Baptist Health Rolls Out Advanced Conversational Technology to Automate Patient Referrals and Care Navigation
Mobile chatbots, powered by Lifelink Systems, virtualize emergency department referrals, COVID-19 screening, and appointment scheduling for patients.

Conversational AI to Engage Clinical Trial Participants
Expediting clinical trials has never been more important. Conversational chatbots can automate and scale patient scheduling to shorten the process dramatically. What used to take weeks now takes minutes.

A Conversation with Jay Roszhart: Why Engaging Patients, Building Loyalty, and Doing It at Scale Is the Future of Healthcare
Jay Roszhart, President of Ambulatory Services at Memorial Health System describes the impacts of consumerism and technology on healthcare and how he’s executing a different vision.

AI vs. Healthcare’s ‘Fat Belly’
Join Infinia ML’s ongoing conversation about AI with this episode of Machine Meets World featuring LifeLink CEO Greg Johnsen.

University at Buffalo: Update to Daily Health Check Features Text Reminders, Change in Employee Requirements
New updates will make the COVID-19 screening tool even more effective and easier to complete.

A Problem—And Opportunity—For Healthcare Call Centers
Chatbots can augment call centers by offering unlimited scale and automation as needed.

Why Digitizing Patient Intake Should be on the Healthcare Virtualization Priority List
This episode focuses on how healthcare providers are doing away with paper, and giving patients mobile solutions to share their information, complete forms, and engage virtually.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t understand your question”: Making Natural Language Processing (NLP) Work for Healthcare
Three barriers to NLP success in healthcare, and the path forward.

AI-First or Nothing: 5 Steps to AI Transformation and Survival
"To drive efficiency, the same hospital may deploy AI-enabled chat bots through a solution such as LifeLink to help patients navigate the waiting room experience."

A Model for Integrating Technology with the Healthcare Workflow: Lifelink Systems Chatbots
“It has taken a long time for developers, drenched in technology’s potential, to learn to work with the people who must ultimately use their products and services. A promising model is offered by LifeLink, which embodies user workflows into chatbots.”

Jay Roszhart, President of the Memorial Health System Ambulatory Group
A Becker's Healthcare podcast featuring Jay Roszhart, covering emerging leaders, trends in ambulatory care, and more.

Healthcare AI: How One Hospital System Is Using Technology to Adapt to COVID-19
LifeLink chatbots are a big part of the innovation strategy at Memorial Health System. This Q&A with Jay Roszhart, MHA, FACHE digs into challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Can Telehealth Help Medical Practices Ditch the Waiting Room?
Faced with the need to improve patient satisfaction and reduce unnecessary delays in care, hospitals and medical practices are using telehealth and mHealth tools to create a virtual waiting room.

Beyond Telehealth: The Innovation Path to Complete Virtualization for Patients
A discussion about the telehealth phenomenon and how it fits into the broader virtualization push that’s transforming healthcare.

Survival and Opportunity: Time for Healthcare to Shift into a Different Gear
The innovation clock speed that was forced upon the healthcare industry as a matter of survival during the pandemic will result in a reimagined patient experience.

On The Incrementalist: Lifelink Systems as WD-40 for Healthcare
Dr. Nick at The Incrementalist, talks with Greg Johnsen, CEO of LifeLink, about how conversational technology is improving patient engagement by making healthcare frictionless.

The Virtual Waiting Room – Social Distancing and Much Much More
"We are entering a new normal...and healthcare can no longer lag other industries when it comes to innovation on the consumer facing side of the engagement."

Memorial Health System Selects Lifelink Systems Conversational AI Technology to Virtualize the Waiting Room Experience for Patients
Mobile chatbots to automate intake for telehealth and in-person visits, while maintaining COVID-19 social distancing and safety protocols.

The Role of AI-Powered COVID-19 Chatbots In Healthcare
Greg Kefer, CMO at LifeLink, is interviewed about conversational technology for healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies in the evolving healthcare landscape.

Virtualizing Clinical Trial Recruitment for Speed and Massive Scale
Conversational technology can virtualize clincal trial scheduling at a time when it’s needed more than ever.

Why the Patient’s Living Room Will Become the New Waiting Room Experience
Born of the pandemic, virtual waiting rooms are a long-overdue patient experience upgrade that will likely become the 'new normal'.

A Conversation with Jefferson Health’s Robert Neff: Healthcare Innovation in the COVID-19 Era (and Beyond)
This episode features special guest Robert Neff, VP of Digital Solution Development at Jefferson Health.

Clinical Trials Product Demo
Lifelink Systems chatbots automate and scale patient screening and scheduling for clinical trials. This Chatbot Road Show webinar shows how.

How Banner Health Redefined Patient Experience with Patient Safety
For Banner, COVID-19 made what was once a patient satisfaction endeavor — removing the often burdensome waiting room — a patient safety imperative.

AI Chatbots Step Up to Help Fight COVID-19
Conversational technology has come into its own during the COVID-19 pandeminc by adding massive scale to screening, education, intake, and research efforts.

Build vs. Buy and Conversational Engagement: The Ultimate Tip of the Iceberg Scenario
A discussion about the build vs. buy debate and new misperceptions about what it takes to deliver an effective conversational experience in healthcare.

Chatbot Market Revving Up: COVID-19 a Driving Force
The global market for healthcare chatbots has been growing at a fairly rapid pace in recent years, but COVID-19 is going to make chatbots mainstream.

Virtual Waiting Room Product Demo
Virtual waiting rooms, powered by conversational technology, help healthcare providers reopen safely, while improving patient satisfaction and enhancing operational efficiencies.

COVID-19 Clinical Trials: How AI-Based Chatbots Can Provide Pandemic-Level Execution
Automating interactions can compress clinical trial timelines, reduce administrative overhead, and accelerate time to therapy.

Five Companies Applying Artificial Intelligence to Patient Engagement Issues Named IDC Innovators
"LifeLink provides a platform for chatbot solutions that enables clients to address complex workflows and uses conversational AI to help patients navigate the healthcare experience, resulting in better engagement in their care."

Want to Help Patients Feel Safe About Getting Care? Put the Hospital Waiting Room in the Patient’s Living Room.
The hospital waiting room is now on-demand and on-the-go, the way it should be.

Introducing the Virtual Waiting Room
Virtualizing the waiting room experience will be key as healthcare providers get back to business.

Banner Health Taps Lifelink Systems to Implement New Waiting Room Chatbot
The new tech is designed to help curb face-to-face interactions during the coronavirus pandemic.

Banner Health Innovates with Lifelink Systems Chatbots to Enable Virtual Waiting Rooms for Telehealth and In-Person Appointments
The conversational mobile technology supports COVID-19 guidelines and allows patients to safely access care across a network of 1500 physicians.

Virtual Waiting Room
Lifelink Systems conversational chatbots provide a virtual waiting room experience that‘s contactless, seamless, and safe for patients and care teams.

Banner Health Revamping Doctors‘ Offices in the Wake of COVID-19 with Virtual Waiting Room
“The traditional pre-visit process of walking into an office, filling out paper forms, reading instructions and then waiting for an exam room had to change."

The Post COVID-19 Medical Appointment Experience: The Virtual Waiting Room
Virtual waiting room digital assistants help check patients in for telehealth and in-person appointments through mobile devices.

5 High-Impact Areas for Digital Innovation in Response to COVID-19: Insights from Jefferson's Neil Gomes
The DICE Group at Jefferson used LifeLink chatbots to triage and direct care for patients with COVID-19 concerns.

Supply Chain Innovation at Banner Health — How Agile Thinking and Execution Met COVID-19 PPE Demand
Two former supply chain executives discuss the innovations that helped Banner Health procure and distribute vital PPE materials in just days.

Overnight Arrival: Market Growth Phase for Conversational Healthcare Technology
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the ”market“ for conversational tech into high growth phase, almost overnight. Here‘s some perspective.

COVID-19 Screening and Intake
Automation for wide-scale patient screening, intake, and care path navigation.

Jefferson Health Deploys EHR-Integrated COVID-19 Chatbot for Screening and Intake
Deployed in just days, the conversational COVID-19 chatbot has unlimited capacity to pre-screen, share best protocols, and even schedule priority appointments across the Jefferson Health network.

Lifelink Systems Chatbots Live at Jefferson Health for Wide-scale COVID-19 Screening and Intake
The conversational chatbot solution was configured and deployed in just days to help meet the spike in COVID-19 patient volume across the Jefferson Health network.

Mobile Chatbot Tech Improves ER Patient Experience at Banner Health
46% of patients engaged with the chatbots, and there was a 41% increase in NPS for patients that used the bots.

COVID-19 Product Demo
As COVID-19 spreads, Lifelink Systems chatbots can add massive scale to support human teams. This webinar covers the solution opportunity.

COVID-19 Digital Front Door
A conversational solution for education, screening, and intake at unlimited scale.

Illinois Health System Launches Chatbot for COVID-19 Triage
Memorial Health System deployed a digital assistant on March 19 to evaluate patients' risk of contracting COVID-19.

Lifelink Systems COVID-19 Resource Center
Conversational chatbots can engage patients at unlimited scale, safely. The assets below explain how and where they're being used.

Medical Information Desk Product Demo
In the spotlight for this Chatbot Road Show is the Medical Information Desk chatbot: what it can do, the many ways it can be accessed, and the deep insights that can be surfaced through conversational analytics.

Digital Chatbot Helps Guide Patients Through Hospital Care
"We’re just tapping the potential of these conversational bots in healthcare,” says Jeffrey Johnson, Vice President, Innovation and Digital Business, Banner Health.

Elevating the Digital Patient Experience with Dynamic Information
The single version of truth information model gives conversational technology exceptional power in healthcare.

Need to Make a Doctor’s Appointment? Jefferson’s New Chatbots Will Meet You at the ‘Front Door’
“Our patients want seamless digital experiences as part of their care experience,” said Neil Gomes, Jefferson Health’s Chief Digital Officer.

Consumer IT in Healthcare—A Story About Friction, Failure, and Hope
Conversational solutions are simplifying workflows across business sectors. The potential to finally solve the healthcare complexity riddle is emerging.

Lifelink Systems Chatbots Outperform Online Forms by 150% at Jefferson Health
Philadelphia-based Jefferson Health announced that it has been deploying conversational AI to improve patient engagement for several months, with "significant" results, according to Chief Digital Officer Neil Gomes.

The Digital Pharma Medical Information Desk, Unleashed
Technology is maturing and offers the pharmaceutical industry a new and better way to share and collect information about their drugs.

Lifelink Systems Chatbots Live, Automating Appointment Requests at Jefferson Health, Outperforming Online Forms by 150%
As part of its digital front door initiative, Jefferson Health ran A-B tests and discovered that conversational chatbots outperformed online forms by a wide margin.

Lifelink Systems Chatbots Automating Appointment Requests at Jefferson Health
Jefferson Health tripled the rate of conversions for digital appointment setting, with Lifelink Systems bots handling 70% of the volume.

Banner Health Brings AI-Driven Virtual Assistants for Better Patient Experience
“We have seen our patient satisfaction score for our EDs increase by up to 35%. This ED bot is such a satisfier,” says Jeff Johnson, Vice President of Innovation, Banner Health.

Fact or Friction — It’s Time for the Next Chapter of Patient Engagement Technology
Overcoming friction is a common IT challenge. Conversational technology may finally lower patient technology adoption barriers.

Opening the Hospital Digital Front Door
A welcoming digital front door is conversational.

Taking Appointment Requests to the Next Level
A large health system found that conversational technology outperforms forms in managing appointment requests. This case study details the findings.

Make an Appointment Product Demo
This Chatbot Road Show webinar demonstrates how Lifelink Systems conversational chatbots can improve a hospital’s make an appointment experience.

Conversational Patient Engagement for Digital Front Door
Lifelink Systems conversational technology delivers superior engagement and conversion performance.

Clinical Trials: Over Before They Even Begin
Conversational technology can boost enrollment numbers and patient satisfaction — all before the patient shows up for the first site visit.

Medical Technology in 2020: The Top Innovations for Clinicians
Simple conversational technology is benefiting both sides of the value equation – patient satisfaction and operational excellence.

Digital Engagement and Medicare Patients
You might think seniors wouldn’t embrace advanced chatbot tech. A Banner Health program for Medicare patients showed the opposite to be true.

The Healthcare Holy Grail? Digital Front Doors, Appointment Scheduling, and Liquid Expectations
How conversational technology can help hospitals and their patients with scheduled appointments, referrals, prescriptions, and beyond.

Scheduling a Doctor Appointment? Why “Give Us a Call M-F, 8-5” Won’t Cut It
If they want to become more consumer-centric, hospitals should reimagine their digital front doors for appointments, where the prevailing strategy is still phone tag.

Referral Management Product Demo: ED Discharge to PCP
This Chatbot Road Show webinar showcases the Lifelink Systems referral management chatbot, which helps patients navigate from Emergency Department discharge to a PCP appointment.

Perspectives from an Urban ED: A Conversation with Scott Campbell MD, MPH
This conversation focuses on the challenges and opportunities that exist at the intersection of public policy and public health.

Anyone There? What Healthcare Gets Wrong About Capturing Patients’ Digital Attention
Digital consumer engagement is vital, but most innovators overlook one key thing — activation. Here's one perspective for Healthcare to consider.

The Ultimate Patient Experience: Can Simplicity and Complexity Co-exist?
It’s hard to ignore the beautiful simplicity of Google, which most healthcare tech lacks. Consumer-friendly IT is now attainable and the time to act is now.

Conversational IT in Healthcare: A Foundation of Flexibility, Integration, and Massive Scale
How conversational technology promises to deliver a next level step towards simplicity and engagement for healthcare patients.

Configurable Configurability: The Platform Requirements for Conversational Technology in Healthcare
Conversational technology will require a complete rethinking of the concept of configuration. This blog tells the story.

The Healthcare Chatbot Value Trifecta: Savings, More Revenue, Patient Satisfaction, and Beyond
On the emerging win-win-win scenario for healthcare providers, where conversational bots are beginning to deliver across a number of value areas.

Emergency Department Product Demo
This Chatbot Road Show webinar showcases the Lifelink Systems ED patient engagement experience, highlighting activation and orientation, lab ETAs, and EMR portal promotion.

I Need My Meds Yesterday: The High Bar of Modern Patient Expectations
This story explores patient friction and compares solutions in the consumer space.

Banner Health Digital Assistant Joins ER Teams
At Banner Health, chatbots are supporting more than 1 million patient visits per year across 28 ERs.

The Prescription Patient Support Math Problem: Can You Spare 44,000 Years to Help Everyone Out?
If technology could handle 70% of those call center conversational years at scale, centuries of conversation time condenses down to minutes.

Apps versus Chatbots for Patient Engagement
Animation that describes the engagement metrics of apps versus chatbots in healthcare.

Improving the Medicare Patient Experience with Conversational Mobile Technology : The Breakthrough at Banner Health
A Banner Health innovation executive describes how they innnovated with Medicare patients.

Chatbots for the Personalized Patient Experience
This video describes personalization and the role of technology for healthcare patients.

The Innovator’s Dilemma in Healthcare: Will the Establishment Adapt?
A discussion on disruption in healthcare and how it compares to experiences from other industries.
Consumerism in Healthcare — Embracing the DNA of the Wannabe Disruptors
Health system, payer, and pharma executives all recognize that the industry must evolve and become more consumer-centric in the way it deals with patients.

Lifelink Systems Chatbots Go Live at 28 Banner Emergency Departments
A short video highlighting a major chatbot deployment at 28 Banner hospitals.

What the Healthcare Industry Can Learn from UberEats and Warby Parker
Healthcare can learn a lot from the new class of companies that are redefining the consumer experience with technology that is mobile, interactive, and conversational.

Banner Health Deploys Lifelink Systems-Powered Chatbots to Improve Patient Experience Across Emergency Department Network
Pioneering mobile technology to serve as “virtual assistants” at 28 ERs, supporting more than 1 million patient visits per year.

Cardiac Surgery and Patient Experience Technology: A Conversation with Ahmad Sheikh, MD
A win-win-win: chatbots increase time for in-person interactions while improving efficiency and satisfaction around surgical procedures.

Roche UK Deploys Lifelink Systems Chatbot as Next Generation Medical Information Desk Virtual Assistant
Conversational messaging bot supports FAQs and collects adverse event data, achieving 91% user satisfaction ratings.

Tackling Social Determinants of Health with Conversational AI
Animation touching on the issue of social determinants, and how conversational digital assistants can help.

Measuring Satisfaction in an Era of Declining CAHPS Response Rates
A podcast discussion about the shifting dynamics of surveys, specifically in the hospital environment.

How Conversational AI Transforms the Patient Experience
Animation that highlights results from three use cases where chatbots made a difference in patient engagement.

Improving Patient Activation and On-Ramps to the Healthcare Digital Superhighway
How conversational technology engages through language instead of menus and rigid workflows to deliver intuitive, consumer experiences at scale.

What do Shakespeare and Patient Educational Materials Have in Common? They’re Hard to Read.
What if there was a better way to educate patients? Say hello to conversational technology.

Banner Health Bets on Innovation with Formation of New Initiative
Banner Health is investing in innovation and LifeLink chatbots are a part of the strategy.

Talking Technology in Healthcare — Does the Privacy Bar Change? I Sure Hope Not.
Privacy in healthcare is a big deal. As voice becomes a more common way of interacting with devices, confidentiality of personal medical information becomes harder to maintain.

Delivering High-Scale Conversational Precision in the Outbound Call Center
A podcast about how chatbots can transform the traditional call center while delivering a better patient experience

Augmenting Hospital Call Centers with Chatbots
The call center constraint problem and how chatbots can add massive scale to patient communications.

Improving Referral Management with Chatbots
Engaging patients through mobile chatbots is a smart marketing opportunity.

On Zip Codes and Grocery Stores: the Importance of Social Determinants of Health
As the industry moves towards more value-based and risk-sharing contracts, providers can’t afford to leave outcomes outside the hospital to chance. Chatbots can help.

Referral Management — Holistic Innovation for Hospital Lead Generation and Patient Engagement
How innovators are addressing referral management to reduce readmissions and build a tight, long-term patient-provider relationship.

Healthcare Chatbots: A Mobile Engagement Strategy that is Consumer Centric
Consumerism in healthcare and the potential of conversational mobile technology.

Honesty, Ethics, and Compassion. Is Technology Up for the Task in Healthcare?
Doctors and nurses are rock stars, plain and simple. Unfortunately, there are not enough of them to go around. It’s time to refocus innovation efforts.

The Next Level Call Center: Unconstrained, Limitless Patient Engagement
How emerging innovations in mobile communications can flip the call center model upside down to something that has unlimited scale, 24x7x365.

The Healthcare Call Center Dilemma: 48 Billion Robocalls, Nobody’s Home
Robocalls are training people to never answer their phones. How that impacts call centers, and how chatbots can help.

Field Report: How Hospital Leaders are Tackling Patient Engagement
A conversation around what innovators are talking about at the nation’s biggest hospitals.

Scaling Trust in the Medical Profession
How chatbots can augment doctors and nurses with automated patient conversations.

Does Your Healthcare Spark Joy?
We’ve sequenced the human genome, put a man on the moon, and motivated hoarders to adopt the KonMari Method. Could healthcare spark joy?

Systems of Engagement and the Untapped Value Opportunity for Hospitals
A podcast discussion about EMR systems of record and how new engagement solutions extend investments.

Dr. House’s Secret Weapon: Patient Reported Outcomes
Listening to patients matters. Understanding their experience outside the hospital can inform decisions in a way that labs and imaging cannot.

Chatbots and Pharma Research — The Path to Real-World Evidence and Patient Adherence
A podcast about pharma research and next-gen conversational tech.

Press 1 to Stay on Hold Longer: Rethinking Hospital Call Centers
Call centers are critical to maintaining patient communication. How can they be improved to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty?

Happy or Not: Next Level Patient Satisfaction Measurement
This episode focuses on patient engagement technology that enables real-time satisfaction measurement.

Conversations are the Best Medicine
Let’s 10x the number of conversations patients have with their providers each year. We’ll all be healthier and happier because of it.

Augmenting Hospital Call Center Teams with Chatbots
Chatbots are a huge call center opportunity. Here’s why.

The Emergency Department Patient Engagement Opportunity
A slideshare on the ED opportunity and how conversational chatbots can make a difference for patients.

Why Chatbots are a Massive Opportunity in Healthcare
This animation explains why chatbots are the path to patient engagement success.

The Art of Conversational Technology Design
A podcast about conversational chatbot technology design and considerations for success.

The Masters of Urgent Care Need to Become Masters of Urgent Innovation
A story about transformational urgency in healthcare and how disruptors will force a reset in approach.

Healthcare Providers Are Teaming with Chatbots to Assist Patients
Chatbots can improve the customer experience, and improve efficiency. If most of the dialogue and the content is automated, costs will fall sharply.

The Long Arc of Patient Engagement
A podcast about advanced, long term patient communication automation strategies and why chatbots may be the answer.

Is There Anything Worse than a “Thin” Chatbot?
The shortcomings of lightweight information chatbots versus newer, conversational solutions.

Conversational Tech Talk with the Guys That Build It
A podcast focused on the underlying tech required to power automated conversational chatbots in healthcare.

The Rise of Conversational Technology and its Impact on the Healthcare Industry
A brief slideshare that lays out facts and concepts about the potential of conversational chatbots in healthcare.

Let’s Engage. What Would Don Draper Think about That?
Comparing trends in consumer marketing with healthcare patient engagement.

Systems of Record vs. Systems of Engagement in Healthcare
A podcast about EHR systems of record and modern, mobile engagement technology.

Medicare, Baby Boomers, and Technology Expectations
This video describes the pressure retiring baby boomers are putting on healthcare and how IT can help.

Generational Innovation in Healthcare — the Boomers and Beyond
Baby Boomers and Gen X, next in line to become the heavy users of healthcare, are IT literate and will embrace and expect innovation from their providers.

Why All the Big Talk about AI and Chatbots in Healthcare?
Leading healthcare CFOs are turning to the retail sector for an engagement tool — Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots.

Patient Engagement Priorities — The Multimillion Dollar Emergency Department Opportunity
A podcast focused on automating the patient experience in the ED and the immense value potential at hand.

Hospital No-Shows and Readmissions: Chatbots Can Help
Animation explaining how chatbots can help discharged Emergency Department patients make follow-up appointments.

Four Reasons Why Keeping Patients in the Dark is Such a Bad Idea for Hospitals
It’s time for the healthcare industry to deliver an engaging consumer experience, or pay a steep price for moving too slowly.

Advocacy, Reviews, and the Era of Consumerism in Healthcare
A podcast focused on peer reviews in healthcare and how providers can adapt.

The Rise of the Chatbots in Healthcare
A podcast discussion about the impact (and potential) of mobile chatbots in healthcare.

The Emergency Department Referral Problem: “Follow up with Your Doctor” Isn’t Cutting It.
A tailored, high-touch experience, replicated across thousands of patients, will help hospitals transform populations of patients into highly engaged customers.

Patients Are Consumers. Let’s Treat Them Like It.
If hospitals want to win in today’s consumerized, value-driven world, a premium, personalized digital presence is table stakes.

Patient Engagement and Conversational Technology
The emerging trend of mobile, conversational technology, and how it's changing the way patients will interact with healthcare providers.

Want to Deliver on the Promise of Digital Health? Think Like a Consumer and Move Beyond the App
Healthcare apps aren't cutting it. Chatbots to the rescue.

Launching a Patient Engagement Initiative? Start in the Emergency Department.
Today, hospitals must compete for patients and revenue. Nailing the Emergency Department experience is a big marketing opportunity.

Customer-Centricity: What Lessons Can Healthcare Learn from Retail?
The customer experience is designed to drive repeat purchases and peer endorsement. The patient experience should be no different.

Conversational AI in Healthcare — We’ve Talked the Talk, now let’s Walk the Walk
Smart, conversational tech in healthcare, straight ahead.

A Mobile Strategy for Patient Engagement — There’s Not an App for That
In healthcare, an app download is the equivalent of reaching a website home page. To successfully engage patients, a better mobile strategy is needed.

What Can Hospital Yelp Reviews Tell Us About the Patient Experience?
The explosion of online health information has transformed passive consumers of care services to active, empowered purchasers.

Lifelink Systems Selected by Leading Cancer Centers for Major BRCA Genetic Study
The BRCA genetic screening test is enabled by Lifelink Systems bots.

Welcome to the Banner Health Library
A hand-picked collection of resources for Banner Health, with love from LifeLink.

Welcome to the Roche Library
A curated collection of resources for Roche, with love from LifeLink.

The Digital Front Door for Healthcare
Chatbots will transform the digital front door experience. These assets explain how.
Welcome to the CareThrough Library
A hand-picked collection of resources for CareThrough , with love from LifeLink

The Virtual Waiting Room
Virtualizing the waiting room is key to satisfying patients and getting back to business. The assets below explain.

Clinical Trials Knowledge Corner
Conversational AI scales and automates the clinical trial process. These assets explain how.

Conversational AI for Med Info Automation
Learn how conversational AI is replacing and automating complex forms and scripts.

From ED Discharge to PCP Appointments
Learn how conversational AI is guiding patients and simplifying referral management.

Conversational AI for Diversity and Inclusion
Conversational chatbots can engage underrepresented patients, improving patient health and clinical trial outcomes. The assets below cover some of the opportunities.

A Better Experience for ED Patients
Keep patients informed, provide lab ETAs, manage expectations, and improve satisfaction.

Add Scale to Patient Engagement
A digital workforce of conversational assistants automate the pre- and post-visit experience.

Success with Life Science Customers
A mix of public press, testimonials, and case studies.

Success with Healthcare Provider Customers
A mix of public press, testimonials, and case studies.