
A Conversation with Niko Skievaski: Extending Systems of Record to Deliver Smart, Personalized Patient Experiences

Healthcare providers have invested billions of dollars digitizing patient data in large systems of record. Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems have become the digital home of patient information. The opportunity to tap into that data and leverage it with other, surrounding cloud technology solutions is maturing and companies like Redox provide that integration capability.

Niko Skievaski, president and co-founder of Redox, joined us to talk about how new healthcare digital ecosystems are emerging where multiple best of breed tools all operate with a core set of data, and how advanced integration technology improves the overall experience for patient users. The emergence of value-based care is driving a rapid shift. Smart technology knows a patient’s name, it knows about upcoming appointments, and it knows some medical history. And importantly, smart technology like this is what drives adoption and loyalty.




About the Digital Conversations Podcast Series

Conversational technology and patient engagement are two technology trends sweeping through the three trillion dollar healthcare industry. In these short, interactive discussions, industry experts talk about how and where innovation is impacting the customer experience at hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and the vast array of related services in the industry.

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